SAFA Skysailor Magazine

8 SKY SAILOR January | February 2022 few roads, and lots of creeks and rivers which you don’t want to be on the wrong side of, and just to top it off, no phone reception apart from in the towns themselves, which are a long way apart, and typically it’s Telstra only. Even the third party providers that say they use ‘the Telstra network’ typically won’t work up there. Satellite communication is vital if you are contemplating flying here. So, it’s a long way from anywhere, the coun- tryside is out to kill you, is it worth the bother? Well, when you are standing out there in the pre-dawn darkness, getting your aircraft ready, and the north eastern horizon is looking somewhat higher than it should be, the hairs on the back of your neck will stand to atten- Chasing Outback Glory